Day of Atonement

Today is the final day of the gay high holy days. November 1st is officially the day of atonement for all of our Halloween sins.
To everyone who ended up with feathers in their drink, I am sorry.
To anyone who had to hold my hair, I am sorry.
To those who had to sweep the carpet at the Poodle, I'm sorry.
No, I don't know where that drag queen came from, she's not my friend. Lo Siento.
Nathan, forgive me. (I can't go into detail)
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change (like that outfit GIRL, what were you thinking?) ,courage to change the things we can (like my outfit, glad it didn't leave the house) ,and wisdom to know the difference.
Scotch, Tuaca, Scotch, Tuaca, Scotch, Tuaca.....WOW.
Long story short, for a Monday it was quite a Halloween. I'm not totally clear on all details but one things for sure, I had slightly more composure than Jackie O' Nasty.
For this, I am sorry.
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